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Written By A Hit Song Writer With Over 10,000,000 Record Sales Worldwide!

Many of the songs available here are written by Christopher Moon, who discovered Prince and wrote 3 of the 4 songs on his demo tape along with the first hit song for Prince. As the producer for Prince he also taught him how to record, produce and write songs. Prince latter went on to become a world famous Pop star with numerous number one songs on the charts.

So you are looking for some great lyrics to your original music, you’ve looked around online and just haven’t found anything great – here is your solution. We have compiled tons of songs for you to use at NO COST, the only thing you are required to do is credit the songwriter.


Submit Your Own Lyrics:

If you are a LYRICIST who writes words for songs, then please  SUBMIT YOUR LYRICS and send us a couple samples of your original lyrics for possible inclusion on this site. They will be reviewed and if accepted, posted at no cost to you but please only submit great lyrics as we are picky.


Attention Singer/Songwriters:

If you are a singer/songwriter and would be interested in collaborating with Mr. Moon in writing a song together, please submit a two song original demo with your voice for review. Mr. Moon is currently working with a handful of talented artists around the world – there is no cost or fee involved.


Usage Terms, Conditions & Copyright:

By using all or any part of a song lyric which has been published here, the songwriter of the lyrics listed on each page is entitled to receive their fair standard 50% share of the total royalties as holder of the copyright of the lyrics. You the songwriter of the music retain your full 50% share of the total royalties as holder of the copyright for the music. In other words you share the royalties evenly in accordance with standard copyright practices.

You may change or alter any of the lyrics provided but this does not entitle you to a portion of those royalties for the lyrics since this was the source of the inspiration and idea.

When you copyright or publish the songs – you must in accordance with copyright law, credit the songwriter of these lyrics along with the name of the person who wrote the music (usually you).

This copyright notice must be attached to all copies of the song you distribute, sell or give away and should appear as follows:
(c) Year. your name, lyrics writers name
so it would appear something like this: (c)2017 Your Name, Christopher Moon – All Rights Reserved

Use of these lyrics means you understand and accept this agreement is legally binding. It is your responsibility to make payments to the songwriter as you generate revenue. Payments should be sent to the songwriter of the lyrics as noted on each page of a song listed here. All songs are copyright and all rights are reserved. No part of the words, titles or lyrics can be legally reproduced, downloaded, conveyed or saved by any means without your full acceptance of the terms of usage as contained herein.